How to wear electric Pink

Hey, guys! It has truly been a long time since I shared my #OOTD while traveling. I totally forgot how to pose and work a camera. I also totally forgot what it is to be a fashion blogger, as opposed to a travel blogger. I truly enjoy traveling, but travel so far doesn't bring me any free trips or paid campaigns. If you think being a travel blogger is so cool and someone will be paying for trips, well, think again (it may not be the case). In truth, everything comes out of my husband's pocket. He is not a rich man, but he respects the passion I have for traveling, because it is what he wants to do for the rest of his life too. I am usually with him when we shoot these posts! I definitely need to go back to style slay-mode. I have to confess, being a fashion blogger was quite fun, because you get a ton of free clothes and even paid gigs. I changed my blog routine towards fashion/travel, hoping that a broader approach would bring some income as well. But so far, I am unsuccessful. I truly don't know how you can get paid for traveling around the globe, seeing stuff, doing stuff. Maybe if you know some tips, please share in the comment section below. I would love to hear! Anyway, I am packing my bags for our next journey that will continue my efforts to discover more European cities and worthy sightseeing locations. 

While we were in Warsaw, we thought that I have to shoot one of my outfits. Unfortunately, I didn't have my professional camera. It was quite tough to carry a heavy camera around, which is why I stuck to my SamsungNX300. Don't get me wrong, it does take fantastic pictures, but they are better suited for social media. What camera do you carry around when you travel? 

We were lucky enough to catch some warm weather in Warsaw, Poland. I decided to wear something fun, yet comfortable. I rather go for comfy clothes, than stylish! Last week, I got a package from Lindsay, the owner of the accessory store Stick & Stones. She gave me this backpack as a gift. It came right before my flight, which was great, because I knew that I would like to style it! This leather backpack is really comfortable. I love the pastel color and it fits a ton of stuff inside. I wish my MAC air could fit in there too. As for the dress, I picked my old dress from the previous season. It has been a while since I wore it. As for shoes, I decided to match them up with the dress color, so I rocked my slippers that I often wear at home. Hehe, they are just too comfortable and pink!
