Time to listen to music and relax. Hello, hello! I seriously
missed you guys. Today, I decided to show you my fun side. I’m a bit serious in
my photos usually, but I have seen how much you enjoy me being silly sometimes.
Hehe. I’m pretty sure that I have enough readers in the ages of 16-24, and you will
probably love this fun outfit. As you
remember, my blog is about trying new styles. Here I am, wearing cool platform sneakers from Karma Loop (that I got via Stylinity Collaboration). To be honest, it took me a bit to learn how to walk
in these shoes. Some of you truly loved them when I featured them on my
Snapchat. I love how quickly I can show off all my new goodies. Anyway, I
thought this pair of shoes is definitely perfect for a young-themed and comfy
outfit. It is why I wore my Macy’s denim skirt along with a Zara sweater. This
perfectly works with my silly poses. What do you think?
Take a 30% off with my Karma Loop coupons or shop my look here!

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